De la constitucionalización de los comités de bioética

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Manuel Jesús López Baroni

A recent ruling by the Supreme Court has based the ruling on a report by the Spanish Bioethics Committee on surrogate motherhood, which coincides with a growing debate about the need to incorporate this type of committee into the Magna Carta of each country. However, its constitutionalization poses many problems, both due to the possible composition of said body and the nature of its reports and its relationship with the legislative and judicial powers. In order to analyze this complex issue, and using the judicial resolution issued on surrogate motherhood as the backbone, we will study three alternatives and their reflection on said theme, specifically: a) as a "zero-sum game" versus "distribution of cards"; b) as “equal opportunities versus “equal results”: c) as a consequence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

surrogate motherhood; bioethics committee; constitutionalization; supreme court.

Article Details

How to Cite
López Baroni, Manuel Jesús. “De la constitucionalización de los comités de bioética”. Revista de bioética y derecho, pp. 125-44, doi:10.1344/rbd2022.56.40502.
Author Biography

Manuel Jesús López Baroni, Universidad Pablo Olavide

Doctor en Derecho. Doctor en Filosofía. Miembro del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho.
