Language and effective equality of women and men.

Main Article Content

Ana Rubio
The essential purpose of this article is to analyze the international and national legislation that imposes on operators a duty and responsibility to use non-sexist language. It further aims to show that we are not dealing with a minor theoretical question, but rather one that is demanded by the quality of communication and the requirement of certainty that both science-making and its correct application involve. This effort at linguistic correctness must be accompanied by the elimination of androcentrism in concepts and categories scientific-technique as an essential step in building the effective equality of men and women both formally and materially, as established by Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March for the effective equality of women and men, art.14.11. Finally, it analyses, giving data, the efforts made by the various courts and jurisdictions in Spain in recent years to eradicate sexism in legal language, showing the plurality of resources offered by the Spanish language to end the abuse of the masculine as a false generic.
Legal sexism, effective equality, the principle of non-discrimination, androcentrism, responsibility of the Academy, the technique of soft law.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rubio, Ana. “Language and effective equality of women and men”. Revista de bioética y derecho, no. 38, pp. 5-24,
Author Biography

Ana Rubio, Catedrática de Universidad.

Catedrática de Universidad, Directora del Aula Francisco Suárez de Ciudadanía y Derechos Humanos y del Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Universidad de Granada.