Instituições e Governança Ambiental : Uma Revisão Teórica
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Tomás de Oliveira Bredariol
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis
Valéria Gonçalves da Vinha
Instituto de Economia da UFRJ e Pesquisadora do INCT/PPED (Brasil)
This work attempts to use the institutional theoretical framework to explore models of environmental governance. Based on a bibliographical survey, the literature referent to institutions and environmental governance is presented, with a focus on the discussions related to national spheres. First, the field is introduced and relevant concepts are addressed. Then, key institutional problems and solutions are exposed. We proceed with the discussion of polycentric systems of governance, characteristic of such contexts. Next, an effort is made to distinguish the regulation role in such environments. Finally, a conclusion sums up the most relevant aspects and relates them to public policy guidelines.
Palabras clave
Governança ambiental, instituições, sistemas policêntricos, política pública
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Cómo citar
de Oliveira Bredariol, Tomás; y Gonçalves da Vinha, Valéria. «Instituições e Governança Ambiental : Uma Revisão Teórica». Revibec: revista iberoamericana de economía ecológica, vol.VOL 24, pp. 153-62,