Déficit ecológico de la cubierta forestal, Estado de México

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María Estela Orozco Hernández
Maria Eugenia Valdez Pérez
Gustavo Alvarez Arteaga
The study anticipates deficit land use and average productivity to maintain forest production  and consumption in the State of Mexico. Through the documentary, statistical, cartographic  and verification information, the state of the forest cover and its use is characterized, and the scenarios of ecological deficit were determined by means of the ecological footprint  method. The net impact of the exploitation and productive capacity of forest lands exposes the ecological deficit that synthesizes the accumulated effects of extractive exploitation. The  inability of forest assets to sustain timber production and the supply of firewood over time, warns of the intensification of selective extraction and decrease in natural productivity. The  prospective of ecological scarcity demands changes in the ways of managing forest goods and services, through policies and actions that promote social, economic and environmental synergies through community rural development alternatives, order the use-sale-consumption  cycle of forest products, guarantee the stability of forest cover through ecotaxes and an environmental damage fund that finances mitigation and recovery projects, establishing regular  monitoring of productivity, carrying capacity and harvest limits.
Paraules clau
forest resources, ecological footprint, biocapacity, ecological deficit

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Com citar
Orozco Hernández, María Estela et al. “Déficit ecológico de la cubierta forestal, Estado de México”. Revibec: revista iberoamericana de economía ecológica, vol.VOL 30, pp. 1-15, https://raco.cat/index.php/Revibec/article/view/360177.