Intercambio ecológicamente desigual e Intercambio desigual en Oscar Braun. Nexos, puntos en común y especificidades

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Guillermo Peinado
The reprimarization process produces a series of issues that place the environmental dimension at the forefront. Within this scenario, the Ecologically Unequal Exchange Theory highlights the fact that even financially balanced international trade patterns may involve asymmetric flows of materials and energy, ie net transfer of natural capital. A bibliographical review of the literature is provided, with the aim of differentiate the two main approaches, Political Economy of Biophysics and the Troyan Conception, and analize the discourses they use and their main theoretical and methodological contributions. The next section makes an attempt at extending the Oscar Braun´s model of unequal exchange to the possible relations between the necessary conditions to unfold autonomous strategies of capital accumulation in the periphery and impacts on natural capital. After that, it includes a review of the role that Emmanuel, Braun and the Trojan Conception attribute to international prices. Finally, the strenghts of the Ecologically Unequal Exchange Theory are acknowledged.
Paraules clau
Intercambio ecológicamente desigual, intercambio desigual, inserción externa, Economía Ecológica, Economía Política

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Com citar
Peinado, Guillermo. “Intercambio ecológicamente desigual e Intercambio desigual en Oscar Braun. Nexos, puntos en común y especificidades”. Revibec: revista iberoamericana de economía ecológica, vol.VOL 24, pp. 187-02,