Sostenibilidad institucional y social de la expansión de la frontera agropecuaria. Boom sojero, políticas redistributivas y pago por servicios ambientales en el norte de Salta, Argentina

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Francisco R. Barbarán
Lorena Rojas
Humberto M. Arias
The sustainability of the expansion of agriculture frontier in the Departments Anta, General San Martin, Oran and Rivadavia was assessed in Salta Province. Social conflicts related to concentration of land property, the payment for environmental services related to the law to protect native forests and migratory balances between humane population censuses of 1980, 1990, 2001 and 2010 were calculated, but all of them were negative. Between 2002 and 2012 we calculated the multiple correlation between hectareas cleared, mortality rate and malnutrition in children. In Anta (0,81) and Orán (0,69) a high association between those variables was observed, in Gral. San Martín (0,42) is low and moderated in Rivadavia (0,63). In conclusion, the public policies related to the expansion of agriculture frontier are not sustainable in the institutional and social dimensions.
Paraules clau
Environment and development, sustainability, environmental equity, Argentina

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Com citar
Barbarán, Francisco R. et al. “Sostenibilidad institucional y social de la expansión de la frontera agropecuaria. Boom sojero, políticas redistributivas y pago por servicios ambientales en el norte de Salta, Argentina”. Revibec: revista iberoamericana de economía ecológica, vol.VOL 24, pp. 21-37,