The strength of creative ties: social networks of a dance rehearsal

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Dafne Mutanyola Saura

This paper formalizes the activity patterns of a neoclassical dance company. The aim is to begin a reticular representation of creativity, paraphrasing Simmel and his reticular theory of social control. Ethnographical works on two dance rehearsals inform our explanation of the dancers decision-making, a habitus that is shaped by local and social interaction. Dancers look, talk and relate to each other in a distributed cognition network. A centrality analysis, together with the creation of cliques and simmelian ties, crystallize in a multiplicity of roles and dancers affiliations.

Cognitive networks, Distributed cognition, Simmel, Dance, Creativity

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How to Cite
Mutanyola Saura, Dafne. “The strength of creative ties: social networks of a dance rehearsal”. Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 25, no. 2, pp. 86-105,
Author Biography

Dafne Mutanyola Saura, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Centre d’estudis del Treball i de la Vida Cuotidiana (QUIT), Institutd’Estudis del Treball (IET), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona