El capital social y las redes personales en el estudio de las trayectorias laborales

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Pedro López-Roldán
Vanessa Alcaide Lozano
This paper attempts to apply the Social Capital approach to the study of the Labour Market Careers of the population residing in Catalonia. This application is done through two approaches or perspectives. The first one focuses on the attributive characteristics that shape the working environment of the population. Through this perspective we identify types of Labour Market Careers that are given both in the autochthonous and the immigrant population. The second one tries to analyze the relational environment of this population from a purely reticular vision. This second view is held by studying the configuration of personal networks. The articulation of these two views and the application of the elements that constitute the Social Capital approach allow us to come closer to the role of relations considered as resources in the context of working experience and in the context of Catalan labour market. Finally, we identify the relational mechanisms acting in this career process in terms of Social Cohesion and Integration. These mechanisms become operative through the study of Bonding Social Capital and Bridging Social Capital types of relations.

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How to Cite
López-Roldán, Pedro; and Alcaide Lozano, Vanessa. “El capital social y las redes personales en el estudio de las trayectorias laborales”. Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 20, pp. 51-80, https://raco.cat/index.php/Redes/article/view/249748.