Las citaciones científicas : redes de referencias en universos de referencias. El ejemplo de los artículos de química

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Béatrice Milard
The overall goal of my research is to highlight the social and relational depth of references and citations in scientific evidence that, far from being mere indicators of productivity and visibility of research, are also an expression of scientific sociability. Because they boost the social and intellectual research, references and citations are the possible vector for transformation of scientific community. Based on a corpus of 32 articles from a chemistry laboratory in Toulouse and with interviews with their authors, I analyze the references of three of them as an opportunity for authors, to boost their relations with collectives to whom they claim to belong or they oppose through these references. I continue by showing that the networks of references of each publication are embedded in a universe of references (all citations that references of the article have generated in the SCIThomson Reuters, before and after its publication) that they partly contribute to create.

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How to Cite
Milard, Béatrice. “Las citaciones científicas : redes de referencias en universos de referencias. El ejemplo de los artículos de química”. Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 19, pp. 69-93,