Campo científico y redes de coautoría en la psiquiatría. La producción científica psiquiátrica mexicana sobre el trastorno de la personalidad

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Liliana Ramírez Ruiz
This paper presents an analysis of the scientific literature on the psychiatric concept of "personality disorder" by Mexican researchers. The research sample includes publications in journals that appear in Scopus database since 1970 to date. Based on the concept of field by French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu we interpret maps made with the software for social network analysis Pajek. We locate structural relationships in the scientific production by coauthorship, coauthorship by country, productivity and relating the position of Universities and Institutions of origin. By adopting two principles of observation, fields and networks, it is argued that analysis of the sociology of science is strongly supported.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Ruiz, Liliana. “Campo científico y redes de coautoría en la psiquiatría. La producción científica psiquiátrica mexicana sobre el trastorno de la personalidad”. Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 19, pp. 21-39,