La construcción equipada del vínculo amoroso. Las webs de encuentros y sus «caminos de confianza»
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Johann Chaulet
This article intends to explore the way in which trust progressively emerges between two unknown people who meet in a website to find love relationships. By studying in detail the progression of “trust trajectories”, we will be able to understand how users identify specific properties of media to progressively install trust. Media allowing for a first contact will be completed by the use of other media allowing to access new information. This wise management of the relation and its progression relies on the complementarities of tools allowing to know more and more about the Other. If the process is successful it will lead to a physical meeting and to the confrontation of bodies.
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Chaulet, Johann. “La construcción equipada del vínculo amoroso. Las webs de encuentros y sus «caminos de confianza»”. Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 16,