Las redes académicas de Albrecht von Haller y la Sociedad Económica : un análisis de redes a varios niveles

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Martin Stuber
Lothar Krempel
Here, by the example of the transfer of cultivated plants in the context of the correspondence networks of Albrecht von Haller and the Economic Society, a multi-level network analysis is suggested. By a multi-level procedure, the chronological dynamics, the social structure, the spatial distribution and the functional networking are analyzed one after the other. These four levels of network analysis do not compete with each other but are mutually supporting. This aims at a deeper understanding of how these networks contributed to an international transfer of knowledge in the 18th century.

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Com citar
Stuber, Martin; and Krempel, Lothar. “Las redes académicas de Albrecht von Haller y la Sociedad Económica : un análisis de redes a varios niveles”. Redes: revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 24, no. 1, pp. 1-26,