Redes y flujos de conocimiento en la acuacultura en el Noroeste de México
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Rosalba Casas Guerrero
This paper is part of a wider research, which attempts to analyze: 1) the impact that the knowledge generated and transferred over to the acqua-culture sector has on regional development and; 2) to learn to what degree the interactive processes and the creation of networks have given place to the conformation of a social capital based in knowledge for this sector in Mexico’s North West. This research’s theoretical-conceptual focus incorporates diverse approaches derived from four analytical frames. A) Knowledge networks; b) social capital; c) regional innovation systems and, d) aspects related to the idea of societies based on knowledge. Through a methodological strategy based on case study, specific processes for the generation and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge were analyzed within that sector, when these were the result of the interaction of diverse regional and local actors. Specifically, the identified interactions were those that resulted from the collaboration between academic institutions (Research Centers, Institutes or Higher Education Institutions) and others sectors (Government, units of social and private production).
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Com citar
Casas Guerrero, Rosalba. “Redes y flujos de conocimiento en la acuacultura en el Noroeste de México”. Redes: revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 17, pp. 137-62,