Análisis de Redes Sociales aplicado al estudio de los procesos de innovación agrícola

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Mario Monge Pérez
Frank Hartwich
Since the 1970’s, studies on adoption of agricultural innovations have been dominated by a perspective according to which adoption is an individual decision, focused on the utilities to be perceived by the farmer. In recent years there is a growing interest for understanding the role of social interaction in these processes. Social capital and social learning are concepts that have gradually received attention among scholars. But very few agricultural innovation studies have taken advantage of Social Network Analysis. Based on a data set on interactions among farmers and other relevant actors for innovation processes in 12 micro regions of Bolivia, we analyzed the effects of those interactions on the intensity of adoption of diverse innovations, considering the tools provided by UCINET and NetDraw software packages. At a micro-regional level, a positive and significant effect of network density and innovation promoter’s prestige on adoption was evidenced. At the level of individual farmers, adoption was more intense among those with greater frequency of contact with the promoter and with other farmers, those with a larger degree centrality, and with a larger degree of embedded or cohesive ties. Besides, significant evidence of the effects of structural equivalence on adoption levels is also presented. The positive effects of including structural variables derived from SNA into traditional econometric models are also shown.

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Com citar
Monge Pérez, Mario; and Hartwich, Frank. “Análisis de Redes Sociales aplicado al estudio de los procesos de innovación agrícola”. Redes: revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, vol.VOL 14, pp. 0-0,