The mountain, the mountains...just a few reflections.
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Jorge Cruz Orozco
In Western countries, mountain territories are often the scenary of th die-hard maintenance of the traits and features of traditonial society. Nevertheless, the concept of mountain is a polysemic space in wich several notions coexist. We make an abridgement of the main traits of the physical mountain (the average Mediterranean mountain), the historical-social mountain, the legal mountain and the cultural mountain in Western countires, witch a special reference to the Valencian Country.
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How to Cite
Cruz Orozco, Jorge. “The mountain, the mountains. just a few reflections”. Recerques del Museu d’Alcoi, no. 8, pp. 13-20,
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- Jorge Cruz Orozco, L' Aprofitament de la neu a la muntanya Bética Valenciana , Recerques del Museu d'Alcoi: 1999: Núm.: 8