Prehistoric Occupations in El Barranc de I'Encantada (Beniarrés, Alacant, Spain). First balance of the Archaeological intervention in the area through the analysis of the lithic record
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Oreto García Puchol
M. C. Barton
Joan Bernabeu Aubán
J. Emili Aura Tortosa
We present an advance of rhe archaeological research in El Barranc de I'Encantada (Beniarrés, Alacant, Spain) in the framework of the project land Use Dynamics in the Western Mediterranean: A regional Approach to the Transition to Domestication Economies. The diggings in an extensive area close to the rocky confluence between the river Alcoi or Serpis and the Barranc of l'Encantada. have recovered an interesting material record, mainly lithic material. This documentarion illustrates the extensive chrono-cultural scope of the prehistoric occupations in the area, since the Palaeolithic until the Bronce Age.
Key Words: Upper Palaeolithic. Epipalaeolithic. Mesolithic. Neolithic. Bronze Age. Surveys. Augers. Excavation.
Key Words: Upper Palaeolithic. Epipalaeolithic. Mesolithic. Neolithic. Bronze Age. Surveys. Augers. Excavation.
Paleolítico Superior, Epipaleolítico, Mesolítico, Neolítico, Edad del Bronce, Prospección, Augers, Excavación
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How to Cite
García Puchol, Oreto et al. “Prehistoric Occupations in El Barranc de I’Encantada (Beniarrés, Alacant, Spain). First balance of the Archaeological intervention in the area through the analysis of the lithic record”. Recerques del Museu d’Alcoi, no. 10, pp. 25-42,
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