Discourse analysis of business narratives about corporate social responsibility. Narrative coordinates and discourse practices

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Guacimara Gil Sánchez
In this paper we present the results of the discourse analysis of verbal productions made by Managers of Social Responsibility (DIRSE by its Spanish acronym) to explain what they are and how their socially responsible policies are organized. More specifically, we examine the way that Spanish business elite builds the narrative coordinates of its discourse about corporate social responsibility, with particular emphasis on the set of meanings and discourse manoeuvres that shapes them. In order to do so, we have divided this paper into four sections. In the first one, the reader is introduced to the approach taken for this research. In the second section we reflect the main methodological issues, while the last two sections present respectively the results and conclusions of our analysis.
discourse analysis, corporate social responsibility, csr managers, , business elite, transnational corporations

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How to Cite
Gil Sánchez, Guacimara. “Discourse analysis of business narratives about corporate social responsibility. Narrative coordinates and discourse practices”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, no. 20, pp. 127-56, https://raco.cat/index.php/RecercaPensamentAnalisi/article/view/328314.