Educar en calidad de vida. Una propuesta teórica para los proyectos educativos

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Carmen Ferrete Sarriá
The purpose of this paper is two-fold: on the one hand, it outlines the limits within which quality of life would allow for a more equitable and dignified life; on the other, it analyses the consequences of such a definition on education in general, and on the Secondary School’s Educational Projects (PEC), in particular. The conclusions of this analysis underline the importance of placing a broad definition of quality of life at the centre of the PEC, since both education and quality of life share a common goal: to make humanity more humane.

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How to Cite
Ferrete Sarriá, Carmen. “Educar en calidad de vida. Una propuesta teórica para los proyectos educativos”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, pp. 125-49,