Redistribución económica y precariedad. El caso de los anfitriones de Airbnb. / Economic redistribution and precariousness. The case of Airbnb hosts
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Javier Gil
Everyone can earn extra income and recover the lost consumption power due to the crisis, adevertises Airbnb. This study analyzes the form that the work of Airbnb hosts - people who rent their home or room on the platforma- acquires. It is stated that the activity of the hosts is a type of abstract labour, but that develops over the life of the hosts: over the reproductive sphere of the person and over non-economic activities. In order for hosts to maximize the benefits they can obtain on Airbnb, they become entrepreneurs of themselves. As a result, hosts reduce their economic precariousness but the activity of hosting on Airbnb generates new ways of vital precariousness.
Paraules clau
Airbnb, economía colaborativa, neoliberalismo, precariedad, empresario de sí mismo
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Com citar
Gil, Javier. “Redistribución económica y precariedad. El caso de los anfitriones de Airbnb. / Economic redistribution and precariousness. The case of Airbnb hosts”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, no. 24 (1), pp. 92-113,