Formas de participación en procesos democráticos recientes. Sociedad civil en San Carlos de Bariloche

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Paula Núñez
Ricardo Fuentes
This paper explores the factors that affect social participatory processes, based on experiences of vulnerable groups in San Carlos de Bariloche. Details of local forms of participation are part of the Argentinian democratization process. The same has faced successive economic and political crises, being particularly significant the breakthrough of the year 2001. The recovery of capacity of governance is connected with the official argue claiming social participation in the design of public policies. We will explore if institutional initiatives solve the concealment projected over popular sectors. We will point out the fact that, when prioritising citizenship over civil society, prejudices remain and the silence of social voices crystallises.

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Com citar
Núñez, Paula; and Fuentes, Ricardo. “Formas de participación en procesos democráticos recientes. Sociedad civil en San Carlos de Bariloche”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, no. 8, pp. 193-1,