La llama viva. La idea de bien en el clarobscuro platónico de la República

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Luis F. Espinosa
Throughout The Republic, to a greater or lesser extent un its various books, the idea of Good is as emphatically stated as its definition is avoided. In the face of this desertion so closely followed by many eminent figures, this article aims to show that the idea of Good is developped by Plato in two parallel but not alien ways. It concludes, on the one hand, that the beloved idea is nothing other than a formulation of the logical need of ah definitions, i.e., a need infernal to the Theory of Ideas; on the other hand, it is a gygantic and moving hypostasis of man’s capacity and need to know and live with dignify.

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Com citar
Espinosa, Luis F. “La llama viva. La idea de bien en el clarobscuro platónico de la República”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, pp. 139-53,