De la marca comercial a la marca territorio
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Rafael López Lita
María Teresa Benlloch Osuna
Nowadays, globalisation and technological development are within the most essential characteristics with freat influence all around the world and they deeply affect both, private and public organizations.
These trends create plenty of acceptance and rejection reactions. In this context it is necessary to create the difference between «territories in order to achieve the competitive edge that it is needed. The development of the territoria1 brands is a good chance to be different from the rest lands.
These trends create plenty of acceptance and rejection reactions. In this context it is necessary to create the difference between «territories in order to achieve the competitive edge that it is needed. The development of the territoria1 brands is a good chance to be different from the rest lands.
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Com citar
López Lita, Rafael; and Benlloch Osuna, María Teresa. “De la marca comercial a la marca territorio”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, no. 5, pp. 87-100,