Hegel: liberalismo y sociedad civil
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Jorge Luis Acanda González
This article sets out to review the concept of civil society underlying Hegelian thought, which various currents of opinion have labelled as antiliberal. To this end, a study of the historical character of the idea of civil society developed by Hegel is first carried out, followed by an approach to its conceptualisation as a sphere of mutually conflicting interests and finally, an examination of the double moral justification of civil society, in both the scope of individual fulfilment and the search for individuality. Through this revision the article illustrates that the importance of Hegel is grounded in a change in the model of political philosophy, which although situated within the boundaries of liberal thought, puts forward solutions that go beyond classical liberalism.
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Com citar
Acanda González, Jorge Luis. “Hegel: liberalismo y sociedad civil”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, pp. 37-53, https://raco.cat/index.php/RecercaPensamentAnalisi/article/view/106715.
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