Los ejes de la música francesa de la primera mitad del siglo XVII

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Louis Jambou
As the basis of his argument, the author of this article uses the virtual absence of previous studies on the musical relationship between the two countries. He then considers the general framework, starting from, firstly, the military potentiality regarding the conflict between the two countries for the control of Flanders and Italy, which came to an end in 1659 with the Treaty of the Pyrenees and the birth of a new equilibrium in Europe. Secondly, he examines the nature of matrimonial policies, through which a mutual cultural exchange can be observed; and he concludes by addressing the philharmonic interest of the Monarchs of both nations. He compares genres (vocal music, instrumental, theatre and liturgical music), instruments, style, languages (monody, polyphony, expressive multichorus) and rhetoric resources, adding an interesting final hypothesis about the real and asymmetric mutual rapprochement of both countries, between the musical parameters themselves.

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Com citar
Jambou, Louis. “Los ejes de la música francesa de la primera mitad del siglo XVII”. Recerca Musicològica, no. 17, pp. 93-120, https://raco.cat/index.php/RecercaMusicologica/article/view/164513.