Resonancias del Motu Proprio en la diócesis de Oviedo : la capilla catedralicia y el Seminario Conciliar
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María Sanhuesa Fonseca
A study of the reception of the Motu Propio ideology of Pío X in the diocese of Oviedo, from the pontificate of the bishop Ramón Martínez Vigil (†1904), author of the pastoral letter La Música Sagrada (The Musical Sigrid), to that of Francisco Javier Baztán y Urniza, bishop of the Cathedral of Oviedo from 1904 to 1922. The author of the article carefully examines the evolution and the degree of compliance of the new ideas contained in the pontifical document in the two most important institutions of the diocese: the Cathedral musical chapel and the Schola Cantorum of the Conciliar Seminary. Within the well-cared for and interesting documentation provided, one of the highlights is the reference to the presence of the Benedict Carlos Azcárate, who arrived in Oviedo in 1909 to teach Gregorian chant.
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Com citar
Sanhuesa Fonseca, María. “Resonancias del Motu Proprio en la diócesis de Oviedo : la capilla catedralicia y el Seminario Conciliar”. Recerca Musicològica, no. 16, pp. 177-01,