Glotopolitics of resistance in vulnerable Romance territories. Review of Alén Garabato, Carmen, Djordjevic Léonard, Ksenija (eds.). (2022). Agir en terrains vulnerables. Enquêtes et études ethnosociolinguistiques

Main Article Content

Gonzalo Llamedo-Pandiella

This work presents the latest advances provided by Occitan sociolinguistics. In particular, it analyses a recent book that is relevant to the reflection on the situation of the most endangered Romance languages. The originality of this volume lies in the fact that it focuses on the notion of vulnerability. It raises the possible limitations of the scope of institutional language policies when they are applied to diglossic contexts marked by a demographic crisis and socioeconomic difficulties. Furthermore, it analyses the bottom-up glottopolitical interventions activated by local agents to revitalise their respective languages. It also refers to new linguistic practices that contribute to the patrimonialisation of endangered languages from a cultural point of view.

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How to Cite
Llamedo-Pandiella, Gonzalo. “Glotopolitics of resistance in vulnerable Romance territories. Review of Alén Garabato, Carmen, Djordjevic Léonard, Ksenija (eds.). (2022). Agir en terrains vulnerables. Enquêtes et études ethnosociolinguistiques”. Revista de Llengua i Dret, no. 79, pp. 480-4, doi:10.58992/rld.i79.2023.3981.
Author Biography

Gonzalo Llamedo-Pandiella, Universidad de Oviedo

Professor de Filologia Romànica a la Universitat d'Oviedo, Espanya. Doctor en Investigacions Humanístiques, màster en Llengua Espanyola i Lingüística, màster en Formació del Professorat (especialitat Llengua i Literatura Castellana).