Jurisprudence on Constitucional Court. Second half of 2020

Main Article Content

Agustí Pou Pujolràs
Eva PonsParera
The text includes the rulings that affect the uses, the linguistic rights and the legal system of the Language issued by the Spanish Constitutional Court during the second half of 2020.

Article Details

How to Cite
Pou Pujolràs, Agustí; and PonsParera, Eva. “Jurisprudence on Constitucional Court. Second half of 2020”. Revista de Llengua i Dret, no. 75, pp. 310-3, doi:10.2436/rld.i75.2021.3650.
Author Biographies

Agustí Pou Pujolràs

Professor associat de filologia catalana de la Universitat de Barcelona. 


Eva PonsParera

Profesora de derecho constitucional de la Universidad de Barcelona