Global Justice and Service-Learning: new horizons for transformative education

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David Llistar
Maria Monzó

The article explores the current world order and the different power relations that create injustices. It explores the concept of global justice as an alternative vision to the current system, starting from a proposed definition, its essential elements, and the idea that everyone has a shared responsibility towards others and must decide whether they want to contribute to perpetuating global injustices or to building a more just world. It raises the importance of Education for Global Justice and how its link to Service-Learning contributes to creating critical, committed, and transformative educational proposals.

Global justice, external responsibility, education, sevice-learning, organisations

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How to Cite
Llistar, David; and Monzó, Maria. “Global Justice and Service-Learning: new horizons for transformative education”. RIDAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje Servicio, no. 14, pp. 156-72, doi:10.1344/RIDAS2022.14.9.

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