Innovation and virtual service-learning: key elements for experience-based reflection

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Juan García-Gutiérrez
Marta Ruiz Corbella
Araceli del Pozo

Innovation is undoubtedly one of the key factors in assessing the best contemporary pedagogical outcomes. Our paper approaches the notion of virtual learning-service as an innovative modality that allows the inclusion and development of this methodology in distance or virtual educational environments. Specifically, we seek to provide a definition based on experience that also serves to identify elements and practices that allow others to start in this particular modality of service-learning. Therefore, we try to reflect on what elements and related practices help to define the development of this type of project. We believe that this reflexive approach would allow us to conceptualize the experience in a specific project of virtual learning-service and identify the key elements that would allow for replication in other contexts.

Innovation, virtual service-learning, digital technologies, global citizenship

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How to Cite
García-Gutiérrez, Juan et al. “Innovation and virtual service-learning: key elements for experience-based reflection”. RIDAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje Servicio, no. 9, pp. 62-80,