What Can Art Do? "Visible: Art As Policies for Care. Socially Engaged Art (2010-ongoing)"

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Alessandra Saviotti

This paper reviews the book Visible: Art As Policies for Care. Socially Engaged Art (2010-ongoing).  The publication, edited by Martina Angelotti, Matteo Lucchetti, and Judith Wielander, explores the evolution and transformative potential of socially engaged art practices from 2010 to the present. Organized into five sections, the book provides a comprehensive overview of diverse artistic manifestations, featuring insights from artists, anthropologists, activists, and the constituencies they engage. This review examines the key themes addressed in the research, alongside the methodological approaches employed, which include storytelling and subjective perspectives, in line with the framework of autoethnographic writing.

Socially Engaged Art, Political Art, Activism, Constituencies, Care

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How to Cite
Saviotti, Alessandra. “What Can Art Do? ‘Visible: Art As Policies for Care. Socially Engaged Art (2010-ongoing)’”. Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo, vol.VOL 10, no. 1, pp. 199-05, doi:10.1344/regac2024.10.48462.