El intercambio artístico entre Brasil y Europa: la HfG Ulm

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Neus Moyano
In the early 1950s, an exchange of interests between Brazilian artists and poets and the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm took place. The contact was made through Max Bill, founder of the School. Its development up to the 1980s surpasses the influence of Swiss concrete art. Semiotics, information theory, cybernetics and Gestalt theory, which dominate the ideology of the Ulm School, were disseminated through the MAM in Rio de Janeiro and the foundation of the ESDI (School of Industrial Design) in the same city. Brazilian artists and poets who move to Germany through the Ulm School and their professors brought from the beginning an interest in the social repercussion of the work; such interest remains unexplored in Europe, but it is not unrelated with the thesis of Ulm.
Concrete art, Neoconcrete art, Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm, Max Bill, Max Bense, Lygia Clark, Eugen Gomringer, Tomás Maldonado, Lygia Pape, Almir Mavignier, Mary Vieira

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How to Cite
Moyano, Neus. “El intercambio artístico entre Brasil y Europa: la HfG Ulm”. Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo, vol.VOL 5, pp. 167-00, https://raco.cat/index.php/REGAC/article/view/348265.