Leveraging generative AI tools for effective academic writing

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Aiswarya Balachandar
Ramasundaram Gurusamy

The intricate relationship between the creative demonstration and its creator is a subject of profound exploration and psychological satisfaction.  An art form whether visual, literary or performative, serve as channels for the creator to externalize their innermost thoughts and emotions. This case narrates the art of writing (the skill set) which can evoke a sense of joy, enabling writers to channel their imagination, experience, and individuality into tangible forms.

The integration of AI-enabled technologies, such as ChatGPT, has undeniably revolutionized the landscape of the art of writing. The case is the pertinent concern about the potential loss of the art of writing and the subsequent impact on the joy of art delivery. This case study delves into the repercussions of the advent of ChatGPT on the traditional craft of writing and its influence on the emotional resonance of artistic expression through writing forms.

As AI algorithms like ChatGPT become increasingly adept at generating text, there is an increase in the erosion of the human touch in writing. There is a risk of losing the emotive power that comes from an artist's genuine connection with their creation. The study uncovers the effect of AI-generated content on the dilution of creative thoughts and subsequent happiness derived from its delivery.

Chat GPT, writing skills, creativity, cognitive thinking, technology, artificial intelligence

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How to Cite
Balachandar, Aiswarya; and Gurusamy, Ramasundaram. “Leveraging generative AI tools for effective academic writing”. Revista de educación y derecho, no. 30, doi:10.1344/REYD2024.30.46080.
Author Biographies

Aiswarya Balachandar, Loyola Institute of Business Administration (India)

Specialist in Human Resource Development and Organizational Behaviour. She has over 23 years of teaching, research, and administrative experience with some of the leading management institutions in India. She has published more than 50 research papers in national and international refereed journals. She has also organized many conferences, seminars, workshops and faculty development programmes. Her areas of interest include Human Resources, Organisational Behaviour, and Training and Development.

Ramasundaram Gurusamy, Saveetha Engineering College (India)

Professor in finance at Saveetha Engineering College, having teaching experience of more than two decades in post graduate level in finance and economics. His areas of interest in research are financial econometrics and behavioural finance. He has published more than sixty papers in both national and international journals. He has organized and been a resource person for many training programs at national level, for students, faculty members and management executives in the field of econometrics, statistical techniques and machine learning. He is well versed with application of software like SPSS, AMOS, PLS, Eviews, stata, Matlab, R , Python, etc in the area of management research.


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