Financial tax law in business administration: dogmatic and practice.

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María del Carmen Pastor del Pino
Career guidance training objectives of the official teachings of the degrees, derived from the requirements of the EHEA, faculty has led to a process of necessary reflection on content and methodologies. In this process the teacher has had to restructure their knowledge and strengthen their skills through practice, experimentation and research, rethinking their attitudes to learning through knowledge, self and others, and selfassessment. This necessary restructuring in turn has allowed the professor, a closer approximation to the professional needs of their degrees, thus carrying out a task orientation of their teaching towards the acquisition of those skills and attitudes that society demands. In the process of return, the teacher learns from reality and taught to learn from it. The present communication is to the study of the foundations that raise the necessary relationship that must exist between teaching, research and professional experience in teaching, especially geared to the legal training of future graduates in Business Administration, referring the experience gained in the classroom and graduate after the implementation of various learning techniques based on reality, showing the same results with it.
Teacher training, legal research, learning reality, feedback, professional expectations.

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How to Cite
Pastor del Pino, María del Carmen. “Financial tax law in business administration: dogmatic and practice”. Revista de educación y derecho, no. 10,
Author Biography

María del Carmen Pastor del Pino, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

Profesora contratada doctora de Derecho Financiero y Tributario, Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas, Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España.