La regulación de los derechos de los Estatutos de Autonomía

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Enriqueta Expósito
One of the most significant new features that is included in the new statutes of autonomy are the so-called territorial declarations or charters of citizens' rights. The aim of this study is to analyse this from two different but complementary perspectives. From a more general point of view, it is a synthesis of the arguments that have been used by Spanish nationalist constitutionalist doctrine in favour of or against the new contents of the statutes, in an attempt to highlight how neither of them are the key to a decision on whether or not the declarations of rights in the statutes are inappropriate or unconstitutional. From a more specific point of view, there is a more detailed examination of the contents of these charters – the regulatory framework in which the new texts of the statutes is included, which rights are proclaimed and what are the guarantees surrounding the proclamation in the recent statutes. In its conclusions, the study clearly shows that first, the charters are in full agreement with the nature and function of the statutes in the Spanish autonomous regional state. Second, that these charters are regulations which as far as the citizen is concerned, complement constitutional rights and bring them up to date them with new content.

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How to Cite
Expósito, Enriqueta. “La regulación de los derechos de los Estatutos de Autonomía”. Revista d’estudis autonòmics i federals, no. 5, pp. 147-01,