De nou sobre la distribució de competències en matèria d'energies renovables: aspectes generals i àmbits problemàtics

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Gerard Martín Alonso
The study analyses the distribution of competences in terms of renewable energies between the State and the Autonomous Communities, paying particular attention to new incidents incorporated into the reformed Autonomous Statutes since 2008, starting with the new Autonomous Statute of Catalonia, considering the sentence of the Constitutional Court 31/2010, of 28 June, and duly entered in this. The study of competence distribution considers the different aspects that characterise renewable energies and as a result, it analyses the competence titles that may be applicable in this subject: energy system, electrical installations, hydraulic benefits and resources, forest benefits, environment protection and general planning of the economic activity. It makes special reference to statutory forecasts of autonomous participation in state procedures and bodies in the field of energy. The study also analyses various problematic areas regarding competence distribution such as the electrical power authorisation system that use renewable energies and the incidence, from a competence perspective, of the location of installations benefiting from renewable energies by the territorial sea.
energies renovables, Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya, repartiment competencial, competència participativa autonòmica, àmbits problemàtics del repartiment competencial, mar territorial.

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How to Cite
Martín Alonso, Gerard. “De nou sobre la distribució de competències en matèria d’energies renovables: aspectes generals i àmbits problemàtics”. Revista d’estudis autonòmics i federals, no. 11, pp. 294-51,