Climate change governance: the case of Italy

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Mariachiara Alberton

Climate change embodies the essence of a multilevel and cross-sectoral governance challenge where targets and actions are discussed, set, calibrated and implemented at different governmental levels and across different policy sectors. Thus, vertical policy integration and horizontal policy integration are key factors for effective climate actions. In the context of compound systems, Italy represents an EU Member State holding the status of a regional state facing the urgent need to respond to the current climate and energy crisis. To understand the challenges, obstacles, and opportunities of multilevel and cross-sectoral climate decision-making in Italy, this article analyses the distribution of powers in climate-related issues among different layers of government, the modes of cooperation, the role of the Constitutional Court in solving the intergovernmental conflicts, and the policy and legislative initiatives enacted. Against this background, the case of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano is presented.

Paraules clau
multilevel governance, climate change governance, climate policy integration, local governments, intergovernmental relations, intergovernmental cooperation and conflict, autonomy, centralisation

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Com citar
Alberton, Mariachiara. “Climate change governance: the case of Italy”. Revista d’estudis autonòmics i federals, no. 37, pp. 157-90,