Comentari a l’article Tres assajos per a una teoria sexual1 (S. Freud, 1905)

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Elsa Duña Llamosas

In her commentary on Freud’s Three Essays, the author considers one of the many aspects of this work that invites reflection: the way in which the baby’s relationship with its parents is born and develops, in terms of tenderness and bodily sensations, and the enigmatic messages that this relationship conveys to the child. The author wonders how parents can help their child not to become a fragile and dependent individual, a task similar to what the analyst does with his patients.

early object relations, primary identification, tenderness, fusiona lity, separation, maternal and paternal functions

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How to Cite
Duña Llamosas, Elsa. “Comentari a l’article Tres assajos per a una teoria sexual1 (S. Freud, 1905)”. Revista Catalana de Psicoanàlisi, vol.VOL 41, no. 1, pp. 171-8,
Author Biography

Elsa Duña Llamosas

Doctora en Psicologia, Psicòloga Clínica, Psicoanalista membre amb funció didàctica de l'APM-IPA, Directora del CPN-APM (Centro Psicoanalítico del Norte).