La relació de Sylvia Plath amb la maternitat

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Lilia Arranz Lara

The aim of this text is to explore Sylvia Plath’s relationship with motherhood from a psychoanalytic perspective. We propose that Plath’s initial relationship with her mother was ambivalent and predominantly hostile, theorized by Freud as a pre-oedipal mother-relationship, which impacted her relationship with her husband and her motherhood. These antecedents, along with her bipolar disorder and the fall of her narcissistic ideals, significantly contributed to her decision to take her life at the age of thirty-one. The psychoanalytic examination of one of the main aspects of her life, motherhood, provides an important insight into her subjectivity through her own work.

motherhood, ambivalence, suicide, Sylvia Plath

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How to Cite
Arranz Lara, Lilia. “La relació de Sylvia Plath amb la maternitat”. Revista Catalana de Psicoanàlisi, vol.VOL 41, no. 1, pp. 139-53, doi:10.60940/rcpv41n1id431323.
Author Biography

Lilia Arranz Lara

Doctora en Psicologia. Centro Médico Nacional 20 de Noviembre, ISSSTE. Círculo Psicoanalítico Mexicano.