Creativitat i relació analítica

Main Article Content

Ester Palerm

To reflect on creativity in the analytic relationship, some aspects that stimulate or hinder creativity are analyzed based on two clinical vignettes of the analysis of adult patients, one made at the beginning of the analyst’s training and the other twenty years later. As far as the patient is concerned, the language and the use that is made are taken into account; as for the analyst, it’s how he uses his theories and countertransference. The patient’s creative capacity is developed in and out of the session through identification with the analytic function. At the same time, in the analyst, creativity allows the reparation of specific aspects of the self and its internal objects.


countertransference, creativity, language, analytical relationship, dreams, theories

Article Details

How to Cite
Palerm, Ester. “Creativitat i relació analítica”. Revista Catalana de Psicoanàlisi, vol.VOL 40, no. 2, pp. 25-39, doi:10.60940/rcpv40n2id425278.
Author Biography

Ester Palerm

Membre titular amb funcions didàctiques de la SEP. Presidenta de la SEP. Membre del comitè de COWAP-IPA (Committee On Women and Psychoanalysis).