«Si vis pacem, para bellum.» Psicoanàlisi, educació per a la pau i alfabetització per al conflicte
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The article addresses the question of the rhetorical vision of change, which tends to insist on its undeniable positive aspects, but ignores the anxieties that permeate it and which, as Bion describes, can make it «catastrophic». It successively explores the social and labour dynamics connected with the various forms of reaction to changes, those of an adaptive type, such as flexibility, and those of a defensive type, such as resistance, and underlines that in each case they entail important human, emotional and relational costs, and pose to the culture of innovation the problem of its sustainability. The article ends with a reflection on the concept of resilience, today very fashionable, but whose shadow areas are still little studied.
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Mario Perini
Psiquiatre, psicoanalista, membre de la SPI, l’IPA i l’ISPSO, soci fundador de IL NODO Group. Treballa privadament com a psicoterapeuta, executive coach i assessor d’organització, i s’ocupa de grups de suport per a les professions de cura dels altres.