Traduir al català el Sigmund Freud dels anys 20, una lectura per al segle XXI

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Pere Notó i Brullas

The article deals with Freud’s two texts from the beginning of the 1920s — «The Social Psychology of Groups and the Analysis of the Ego», popularly known as «Mass Psychology», of 1921, and «The Ego and the Id», from 1923. The structure of the personality or self highlights its relevance in a time of crisis and war violence.
The first work, from 1921, is a precursor and seed of later studies on groups from a psychoanalytic perspective.
In the second, «The Ego and the Id», from 1923, Freud’s contributions are more in the field of psychoanalytic theory, which he calls metapsychology, especially in developing the second structural theory of the personality composed of the Id, the Eego, and the Superego, Freud’s components of the psychic being.

collective psychology, gregarious behavior, suggestion and transference, organizations: the army and the Catholic church, identification, falling in love, personality structure: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego, drive of life and death drive

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How to Cite
Notó i Brullas, Pere. “Traduir al català el Sigmund Freud dels anys 20, una lectura per al segle XXI”. Revista Catalana de Psicoanàlisi, vol.VOL 40, no. 1, pp. 147-56, doi:10.60940/rcpv40n1id420585.