Cap on ens duu el mite del creixement il·limitat?

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Jordi Sala

In this text, the author uses some psychoanalytical elements to reflect on the global warming situation we are living in. He uses the concept of speculative imagination used by Bion, and more specifically the earthly Paradise myths, the tower of Babel and the royal cemetery of Ur to explore the resistances used by people and by groups facing anxieties risen by the climate situation. These resistances allow one to continue living day by day within the delusional belief in an unlimited growth, without an apparent contradiction
and without having to change much, despite the conscious knowledge of the gravity of the situation. Other used concepts include denial, omnipotent.
thinking, socially structured defensive systems and myth addiction.

climate change, delirious belief, denial, speculative imagination, collective imaginary, socially structured defensive mechanisms

Article Details

How to Cite
Sala, Jordi. “Cap on ens duu el mite del creixement il·limitat?”. Revista Catalana de Psicoanàlisi, vol.VOL 38, no. 2, pp. 51-60, doi:10.34810/rcpv38n2id396407.
Author Biography

Jordi Sala

Psicòleg clínic i psicoanalista SEP-IPA amb funcions didàctiques.

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