The Basic Statute for Public Employees: the Powers of the Autonomous Governments
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Federico Castillo Blanco
This paper studies the powers of the governments of the autonomous regions with respect to public employment, in particular, 1) the powers taken on by Catalonia as a result of the statutory reforms of recent years, and 2) the impact on these powers of the constitutional case law that has developed as a result of the challenges to the constitutionality of the new Statute of Autonomy.
Powers of the governments of the autonomous regions, public employment, basic rules, public employee, personnel employed on a group contract basis, implementation of the statute, exclusive powers, shared powers
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How to Cite
Castillo Blanco, Federico. “The Basic Statute for Public Employees: the Powers of the Autonomous Governments”. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, no. 45, pp. 21-46,