Mediation with the Administration: a practical approach

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Montserrat Raga Marimon
Natàlia Ferré Giró

Experiences of mediation in the administrative area arose from the recommendations of the Council of Europe, in particular the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). In our context, it is a challenge to talk about mediation with the administration, although various initiatives carried out in recent years highlight success stories and reveal the opportunity to implement this practice in the relations between individuals and the public administration, as an example of the right to good administration.

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How to Cite
Raga Marimon, Montserrat; and Ferré Giró, Natàlia. “Mediation with the Administration: a practical approach”. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, no. 67, pp. 170-86, doi:10.58992/rcdp.i67.2023.3969.
Author Biographies

Montserrat Raga Marimon

Magistrada del Jutjat Contenciós Administratiu. Impulsora del Pla pilot de mediació contenciós administratiu

Natàlia Ferré Giró

Advocada i mediadora. Ha estat adjunta a la Sindictura de Greuges de Barcelona