Prosocial potentials in children and adolescents who abandoned illegal armed groups in Colombia
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Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
The aim of this study is to understand prosocial capabilities in unlinked children and teenagers from illegal armed groups and to reflect over the challenges that propose proso-ciality as a generative category in psychosocial research in order to contribute to the Co-lombian peace process. We worked with 25 unlinked children and teenagers from illegal armed groups and used a qualitative perspective. It was found that despite psychosocial vulnerability, it is also possible to find capabilities to build solidarity bonds, sensitivity over other´s welfare, guilt and regret. One of the challenges for social sciences and the reinstatement policies in Colombia it is to go far and beyond of psychological determin-ism, social dogma and other epistemologies. In that sense, it is necessary to establish gen-erative speeches to be able to promote social transformation and policies that welcome a pluralistic dialogue.
Armed Conflicts, Teenagers, Reinstatement, Prosocial Capabilities
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How to Cite
Gómez Tabares, Anyerson Stiths. “Prosocial potentials in children and adolescents who abandoned illegal armed groups in Colombia”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 21, no. 2, p. e1483,
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