Family and reintegration process in the Colombian armed conflict: state of the art 2000-2018
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José Gabriel Zapata García
Universidad Externado de Colombia
Diana Janneth Laverde Gallego
Universidad Santo Tomás
Juan Guillermo Manrique López
Universidad Santo Tomás
Alicia Duran
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Diego Mauricio Aponte Canecio
Universidad Externado
In the framework of the armed conflict the production of knowledge on Demobilization, Dis-armament and Reintegration recognizes the family as a fundamental factor in the process of rein-tegration, as it is found within various productions, even though these have not been sufficiently disseminated. In this article, we analyze the academic production around the family during the reintegration process, taking as a context the demobilization of people from Illegal Armed Groups (IAG) in Colombia. We build a state of the art with articles and theses during the period 2010-2018 published in indexed journals and university research centers. Among the results, we high-light the importance of the family as a risk and protection factor in the reintegration process, we identify the adjustments in family dynamics before, during and after joining the armed group, and we explore gender perspectives in the transformations of subjects and families.
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How to Cite
Zapata García, José Gabriel et al. “Family and reintegration process in the Colombian armed conflict: state of the art 2000-2018”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 22, no. 1, p. e1501, doi:10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.1501.
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