Practicing Intersectionality in Spain
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Pilar Goñalons Pons
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Myra Marx Ferree
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Intersectionality has become a very popular term in academic, policy and activist circles. We understand intersectionality as a theoretical project concerned with elucidating the re-lationships between different principles of inequality and oppression. We identify three conceptual moves that distinguish intersectionality from other theoretical frameworks about inequality and power: a movement from additive to interactive models, a movement from categorical to process-based frameworks, and a movement from autonomous individu-als to embedded social relations as foundations for social theory. We deploy examples re-lated to the paid domestic work in Spain to demonstrate the usefulness of these conceptual moves.
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How to Cite
Goñalons Pons, Pilar; and Marx Ferree, Myra. “Practicing Intersectionality in Spain”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 16, no. 1, pp. 85-95,