Inteligencia y medio ambiente. Estudio mediante el test de Raven

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Josep Maria Sendra Sala
Xavier Isach Pérez
This work is within the framework of studies carried out to determine the infiuence of ambiental conditions on the expression of intelligence. Some useful hypoteses for future research are proposed. The method used in the research (Advanced Progressive Matrices. Sets I and II) is emphasized for its role of mediation as well as the necessity of bringing up to date the standard scores of the test, as the results of our sample (students in the last year of secondary school) suggest.

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Com citar
Sendra Sala, Josep Maria; and Isach Pérez, Xavier. “Inteligencia y medio ambiente. Estudio mediante el test de Raven”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 7, no. 2, pp. 7-13,