Discapacidad y capacitismo: corrección de los cuerpos y producción de sujetos (a)políticos
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Ana Carolina Carolina Friggi Ivanovich
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Marivete Gesser Marivete
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
This study aimed to investigate the meanings about disability present in the process of creating and implementing a Municipal Council of Rights for People with Disabilities in a city in southern Brazil. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine participants in the crea-tion and implementation of this Council, which were analyzed based on the analysis of the pro-cesses of meaning. The research was based on Disability Studies, with emphasis on the perspective of emancipatory research. Participants reported an understanding of disability limited to the med-ical model, which reiterated the hierarchy of bodies, the search for a cure and that delegitimized the disabled body as a politician. However, the appropriation of the field of disability studies and the knowledge of the rights provided for in the legislation contributed to the meaning of disabil-ity as social justice and to strengthen the struggle for the approval of the rights council.
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Friggi Ivanovich, Ana Carolina Carolina; and Marivete, Marivete Gesser. “Discapacidad y capacitismo: corrección de los cuerpos y producción de sujetos (a)políticos”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 22, no. 3, p. e1618, doi:10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.1618.
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