Más allá de la visibilización: problematizando discursos sobre violencia de género en la pareja contra mujeres inmigradas en España

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Pastor Cea Merino
Marisela Montenegro-Martínez
In this paper we explore and problematize the discourses on gender violence in couples against immigrant women in Spain. It will contextualize the called feminization of migra-tion and review some discourses about the gender violence exerted against immigrant women. The paper will reflect about how these discourses may obscure the agency and re-sistance practices of the collective of immigrant women.

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Cea Merino, Pastor; and Montenegro-Martínez, Marisela. “Más allá de la visibilización: problematizando discursos sobre violencia de género en la pareja contra mujeres inmigradas en España”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 16, no. 1, pp. 167-80, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsPsicologia/article/view/292571.